I'm a skilled software developer with experience in TypeScript and JavaScript, and expertise in frameworks like React, Next.js, and Sanity for structured content. I'm a quick learner and collaborate closely with clients to create efficient, scalable, and user-friendly solutions that solve real-world problems.
My work
Following projects showcases my skills and experience through real-world examples of my work. Each project is briefly described, you can take a look at the code on my github page. It reflects my ability to solve complex problems, work with different technologies, and manage projects effectively.
Web-based platform that allows users to search for new products and review them, with a ranking of the rated products dynamically changing.
Front-End of Hotel Miranda web page proyect. Technologies used in proyect: Html, Css Sass, Javascript for functionalities and responsive.
Administration application for the hotel staff made in typescript. MERN stack with Redux.
#React - Redux - Typescript
#Node - Express - Mongo db
First project of the oxygen academy basic shop store responsive in Html Css and Javascript.
Application to manage images through an api rest with unsplash api. You can save images to favorites and download.
#React - Redux
#Rest Api
#Material UI
Application to manage the weekly itinerary. Tares, events in others. First time using server-side-rendering.
#Next Js
#Sanity CMD
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